shipping out!
this morning nora and i are leaving accra to go to ho, where we will be attending a meeting of the evangelical presbyterian church, ghana, for whom we will be working. ashley went sunday to her placement for the presbyterian church of ghana, and leigh will go tomorrow to teach at the ridge church school. THE BAND IS BREAKING UP!!
it is exciting for us all to move on to where we will be living for the next 10 months. i am really excited to unpack for real and settle into a place. i feel like a nomad!
last thursday we visited lake bosomtwe, outside kumasi, as our last trip with our culture teacher, teacher yaw. what an interesting place!! the twi people believe beleive spirits go there when they die, so no one is allowed to use any hollowed out canoes on the lake. then men fish from what look like just planks floating on the water! it's pretty impressive. we also visited a kente village that day. kente cloth is woven in strips about 4 inches across, then those strips are sewn together to make a piece of fabric. it's really neat. we met an old guy who had been weaving kente for fifty-some years, and a young guy who was the fastest weaver in the town. he listed to pop music while he wove and wove to the beat! an interesting blend of old and new culture!
i have been thinking about moving gracefully through life...i think i tend to crash through life willy nilly picking up the pieces as i go. brute force is not always the best way! :) it's not always necessary make everyone else believe/do exactly how i believe/do. in africa i am seeing examples of thoughts i've been having for a while.
on sunday we attended a methodist church... in ENGLISH!!! it was so great! there were songs and prayers i knew, and a sermon i could understand... fabulous. just what we needed. the preacher talked about what we are holding onto when god calls us. what people, places or things are we not willing to sacrifice to follow god? i thought it was a great sermon idea. and it applied to us!
thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers. i hope all is well on the homefront!!